How To Start A Thriving Horse Blog From Scratch

If you’re passionate about horses and eager to share your knowledge, starting a horse blog might just be the perfect path for you.

But is the world of horsing around a viable niche for blogging? You bet!

In this guide, I’ll take you through 7 simple steps to kickstart your horse blog. You’ll learn how to pick a unique niche, find that perfect domain name, and get your site up and running in no time.

I’ll also share some tips on creating interesting content and monetizing it.

Let’s gallop towards starting your very own horse blog.

How to start a horse blog

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Is The Horse Niche A Great Topic For A Blog?

Absolutely! The horse niche is a wonderful topic for a blog as it targets a passionate and engaged audience (who are also willing to spend money).

There are countless horse enthusiasts worldwide who constantly seek valuable insights, expert advice, and engaging content about their beloved equine companions.

From horse care and training to riding techniques and equestrian sports, the opportunities for fascinating blog content are endless.

If you’re passionate about this niche and possess the right knowledge, a horse blog could not only make you an influential voice in the community but also provide you with various ways to make money online.

If this sparked your interest, keep reading to see how to start your very own money-making horse blog.

How To Start Your Own Horse Blog In 7 Steps

Narrow Down Your Horse Niche

The first step is to choose a sub-topic within the horse niche.

When you narrow down your topic to something specific, you’ll have a much easier time building a helpful resource for people. This way you’ll also build “topical authority” and it makes getting traffic from Google easier.

You can always branch out later once you’ve covered a topic, but in the beginning, it’s best to start narrow.

Here are some niche ideas to get you started:

  1. Horse Care: Dive deep into the world of equine health, grooming, and overall well-being. Share tips on proper diet, exercise, and healthcare for horses.
  2. Riding Techniques: Offer guidance on mastering riding styles from dressage and show jumping to eventing and western riding.
  3. Equestrian Lifestyle: Share your thoughts on fashion, event coverage, and equestrian trends. Discuss popular horse gear and rider accessories.
  4. Horse Training: Give readers insight into effective training methods, foundational groundwork, and discipline-specific techniques.
  5. Breeding & Genetics: Explore the science behind horse breeding, including pedigree analysis, bloodlines, and responsible breeding practices.

Find A Catchy Domain Name

Another important aspect is coming up with a memorable domain name for your horse blog.

It not only reflects your niche but also makes it easy for readers to remember and revisit your site.

Now, domain names cost money, but not a lot. You can expect to pay around ~$12/year for a domain name. It’s pretty cheap if you ask me. I typically buy my domain names from, but I’ll show you another alternative at the end.

I also like to follow some rules when choosing a domain name:

Stick to Your Niche: Your domain name should align with your chosen niche and convey the essence of your blog’s content.

Keep It Short and Simple: Aim for a domain name that is concise, easy to spell, and pronounced without ambiguity.

Don’t Restrict Yourself: You want to be able to expand your niche in the future, so choose a name that won’t restrict your content. For example, instead of, I’d pick

Be Unique: Avoid using names similar to existing horse blogs. Stand out by selecting a name that is distinctive and true to your style.

Choose The Right Domain Extension: Stick to the ‘.com” extension as it’s the most trusted among people.

I recommend taking time to brainstorm and come up with several domain options. Changing your domain at later stages is a rather annoying process.

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, check domain availability and register the perfect name for your horse blog.

Choose A Reliable Web Hosting Service

Once you’ve chosen a domain name, it’s time to select a dependable web hosting service for your horse blog.

The quality of your hosting provider can significantly impact your blog’s performance, security, and accessibility.

When choosing a service, prioritize those that offer fast loading times and optimal server performance. A good provider should guarantee at least 99.9% uptime and also have excellent support if technical problems arise.

Popular web hosting providers in the market include Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator, and DreamHost.

I use Wealthy Affiliate for my hosting and domain registrations, so it’s a choice you have if you don’t want to spend time choosing a reliable one.

Pick A Theme For Your Blog

Next, it’s time to set up your website theme.

Theme decides the visual aspect of your website among a few other things.

When selecting a theme, you should consider speed, security, ease of customization, and mobile responsiveness.

I recommend choosing GeneratePress since it’s lightweight and highly customizable to your liking. These days I use it on every website I have.

It offers excellent performance, clean design, and it allows you to create visually stunning pages with ease.

Perform Keyword Research

Before creating content for your horse blog, you need to perform something called keyword research.

Keyword research helps drive free visitors to your blog, improves search engine rankings, and increases the chances of your content reaching a wider audience.

In short, it helps you understand what your audience is searching for and you can then create targeted content that answers their questions.

This traffic acquisition method is also called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Here’s how to perform keyword research for your horse blog:

  1. Start by identifying topics related to your chosen niche. Brainstorm ideas that cater to the interests and concerns of your target readership.
  2. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Answer Socrates to gather information on popular keywords and their search volumes, competition, and relevance to your niche.
  3. Compile a list of long-tail keywords with lower competition. These tend to be easier to rank for and can target more specific queries from your audience.
  4. Analyze the top-ranking pages for your target keywords. Understand the content structure and topics they cover, and identify areas where you can provide more value or a fresh perspective.
  5. Add your researched keywords naturally to your content, titles, headings, and meta descriptions.

At the end of this post, I’ll show you where you can learn to do all this in more detail.

Start Creating Content

Once you’ve performed keyword research and know what people are searching for, it’s time to create engaging and informative content for your horse blog.

Depending on the keywords you’ve gathered, this content could be product reviews, how-to posts, listicles, or perhaps question & answer type posts.

The great aspect of blogging is that you have a lot of creative freedom in how you structure your posts.

It’s about finding what works for you.

Your first piece of content doesn’t have to be an award-winning masterpiece either (& you can always go back and edit your blog posts to make them better).

Here are some tips to help you craft compelling articles that get ranked in Google and make money:

  1. Create evergreen content: Evergreen content stays relevant for long periods of time and people will find it useful even if it’s many years old. This type of content helps your blog grow and make money from it.
  2. Define your content goals: Establish clear objectives for each piece, such as educating readers, solving a problem, sharing a personal experience, or offering valuable tips and tricks.
  3. Organize your thoughts: Create a content outline to structure your ideas logically and ensure a smooth flow throughout your article.
  4. Be informative and accurate: Provide well-researched and fact-checked information to build trust and credibility with your readers.
  5. Use storytelling and personal experiences: Connect with readers on an emotional level by sharing relatable stories, anecdotes, and examples.
  6. Optimize for readability: Write clear, concise sentences, and use short paragraphs. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and relevant images for easy reading and better comprehension.
  7. Engage with your audience: Encourage readers to interact with your blog by asking questions, inviting comments, or sharing useful resources.
  8. Promote your content: Share your articles on social media platforms, relevant forums, and email newsletters to reach a wider audience.

Monetize Your Horse Content

After creating valuable and engaging content, you can explore different ways to monetize your horse blog and generate income.

In my humble opinion, the best way to make money with a horse blog is through affiliate marketing.

It means you can promote products and services related to horses and get paid commissions every time a reader makes a purchase through your affiliate links.

For example, if you have an article on 5 best horse riding boots, you can have an affiliate link for each of the boots and you’d earn a cut if someone decides to buy what you recommended.

I have actually written a list horse of affiliate programs which you can use to monetize your horse blog.

Another way to make money with a horse blog is through display advertising.

You’d join an advertising network like Google AdSense, Ezoics, or Mediavine to display banner ads on your blog. Then you’d earn revenue based on the number of impressions or clicks the ads receive.

The more traffic you get, the more you earn with ads.

Lastly, you could sell your own products or services.

This means creating eBooks or online courses for your audience and selling them through Gumroad or Teachable. It’s also possible to sell physical products in the horse niche.

There are many other ways to monetize too, but I’d start with affiliate marketing and display ads.

If you’re interested, here are some other ways to monetize your blog:

  • Sponsored Content: Partner with companies or brands within the horse industry to create sponsored articles or product reviews. You’ll be compensated for promoting their products or services on your blog.
  • Offer Services: If you have expertise in specific horse-related topics, offer services like consulting, coaching, or freelance writing. Use your blog to showcase your skills and attract potential clients.
  • Merchandise: Design and sell custom horse-themed items like t-shirts, mugs, or accessories through platforms like Etsy, Zazzle, or Printful.
  • Donations or Memberships: Implement a support-based model by accepting donations through platforms like Patreon or offering exclusive content to paid members.

Successful Horse Blog Examples

If you want some inspiration, I’ve gathered some great horse blog examples here:


Remember that these are established blogs and have been at it for years. It’s easy to sabotage yourself by comparing your new little blog to more established players.

You’ll be able to compare yourself to them in the future, but not yet!

Frequently Asked Questions About Horse Blogs

Q: How often should I publish new content on my horse blog?

A: Posting frequency depends on your availability and the preferences of your target audience. Aiming for 1-2 posts per week is a good starting point, but the most important factor is consistency. Set a schedule you can maintain and publish high-quality content regularly.

Q: How can I increase traffic to my horse blog?

A: To increase traffic, focus on SEO best practices, including keyword research and on-page optimization. Share your content on social media platforms, equestrian forums, and in online communities. Engage with your audience and establish relationships with other bloggers by leaving thoughtful comments.

Q: What if I run out of content ideas for my horse blog?

A: To generate new content ideas, follow industry news, trends, and forums. Perform keyword research, explore questions from your readers, and share your personal experiences. Keep a running list of topic ideas to inspire future content.

Q: How long does it take to monetize a horse blog?

A: There is no fixed timeline for monetizing a blog as it depends on various factors such as content quality, posting frequency, audience engagement, and monetization strategies. Focus on creating valuable content, building an audience, and implementing monetization methods that naturally align with your blog’s goals.

Q: Do I need any specific skills to start a horse blog?

A: While no specific skills are required, familiarity with WordPress, basic SEO practices, Keyword Research, and writing engaging content is beneficial. Your passion and knowledge of the horse world are valuable assets. As you gain experience, you will naturally develop and refine your blogging skills.

Start Your Horse Blog Today

Now that you’re equipped with the necessary knowledge and inspiration to create a successful horse blog, it’s time to take action.

There are quite many technical aspects to setting up a blog, so I’d like to show you the same place where I learned to do it all.

It’s called Wealthy Affiliate.

They provide all the step-by-step tutorials, keyword research tools, hosting and domain name registrations + there are 2.7 million other bloggers all helping each other.

It’s an all-inclusive solution for setting up your niche blog.

You can also get your horse blog up for free so it’s worth checking out.

Start building your horse blog here.

Make sure to check it out!

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What's up! I started my first affiliate website in 2018 promoting PC peripherals and since then I've been hooked on making money online with affiliate marketing.

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