How To Start A Running Blog: Step-By-Step Guide

Ever dreamt of sharing your love for running with the world?

This article is your golden ticket to starting a captivating running blog. We’ll guide you step by step from choosing your domain name all the way to monetizing your content.

Get ready to turn your running passion into an inspiring and profitable blog!

How to start a running blog

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Why Start A Running Blog?

Have you felt the thrill of crossing a finish line? Or the sense of camaraderie during a long, challenging run?

It’s about sharing these experiences and more!

A running blog gives you the chance to connect with fellow runners, offering tips, spreading inspiration, and forming a community. More so, with a running blog your passion for the sport takes flight. You not only motivate others with your personal stories and journey, but also learn along the way.

And let’s not forget the potential for earnings. With the right strategies, your blog could turn into a lucrative venture, paving the way for a financially rewarding hobby.

Doesn’t it sound exciting? Well, we’re just getting started! Stay with us as we journey through every step of launching and managing your running blog!

Can You Make Money In The Running Niche?

There’s a golden question to answer on your mind right now. Can your love for running lead to a stream of income? The simple answer is “Yes!”.

The running niche is a thriving community, overflowing with opportunities for clever monetization. With a growing audience interested in health and fitness, the sector holds potential.

Imagine this – you write an in-depth review of a running gear you love, and through affiliate links, each purchase earns you a commission.

This is called affiliate marketing (more about it later).

Another way to see earnings rise is through display ads on your blog. As your audience grows, these ads reach more people, and each click generates revenue.

Lastly, think about digital products.

Maybe an eBook sharing your personal running journeys or online courses on building endurance? Your blog is your stage to share valuable products.

In a nutshell, the potential for making money in the running niche? Sky high! Still with me? Awesome! Let’s move on to all you need to know about creating a successful running blog.

Can you make money in the running niche

How To Start A Running Blog In 7 Steps

Let’s kick off the strides towards creating a fantastic running blog. Seven steps stand between you and your dream of a successful running blog. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Choose Your Blogging Platform

The foundation of any home is the most important part, isn’t it?

Similarly, your choice of a blogging platform lays the foundation for your blog. And what could be better than WordPress, a platform used by over 60 million content creators, big and small?

You may ask, why WordPress?

For starters, it’s easy to use. No need for coding jargon to build a beautiful blog. Its user-friendly interface means you spend less time figuring out the platform and more on creating content!

WordPress comes with thousands of themes for you to decorate your blog as you please. Plus, you can add extra features and functionalities with an array of plugins.

In a sense, with WordPress, you’re not just building a blog; you’re crafting an experience, a friendly space for your readers. Exciting, isn’t it?

Now let’s move on to the next step. Picking a memorable domain name.

Find A Catchy Domain Name

The next stop on our route; a catchy domain name!

Your domain is the address where your readers find you, so it needs to be memorable!

Let’s dig into a few handy tips to help in your quest for the perfect domain name.

Firstly, keep it simple. Longer names are harder to recall. Your domain name should be short, easy to type, and easy to remember.

Next, strive for relevance.

Your domain name should reflect the content of your blog. A domain related to running will make it evident what your blog offers before a potential reader even visits your site.

Remember, your domain name is a crucial part of your brand. It helps develop a sense of belonging within your reader base.

Pick wisely and choose a name that resonates with your passion for running and reflects the content your audience can expect from you.

You can buy domain names from places like NameCheap for $10-13/year.

Ready to plunge deeper into the blog creation process? Let’s dive in and talk about picking a reliable web hosting service next!

Choose A Reliable Web Hosting Service

Time for step three, picking a reliable web hosting service. But, why does this matter?

Think of your web host as the landlord of your blog.

They rent you the space where your blog lives online. As you can imagine, it’s crucial your landlord is reliable. If your web host experiences frequent issues, your blog becomes inaccessible to readers, leading to frustration and loss of potential engagement.

I recommend going for a reputable web hosting service. Consider factors like speed, reliability, customer service, and storage capacity when making your choice.

For example, Bluehost is known for its excellent customer service and reliability. It’s also recommended by WordPress, which makes it a great option if you’ve chosen WordPress as your blogging platform.

Another great one is Wealthy Affiliate, which I use for all my websites. More about this further below.

Ensure you select a web host that can handle the expected traffic on your site and ensure an excellent experience for your readers.

All set? Great! The next step is selecting the perfect theme for your blog.

Note: I have a much more detailed guide about this part for you at the end of this post.

Pick A Theme For Your Blog

After securing a reliable web host, let’s switch gears to visual appeal – the theme of your running blog.

As it turns out, GeneratePress might just be your ideal out-of-the-box solution!

GeneratePress stands out for its superior speed and performance, two vital traits for delivering a smooth experience to your readers.

Another selling point? Customizability!

You can tweak and change the layout, colors, and fonts giving every page a unique touch. GeneratePress is also highly compatible with WordPress plugins too. So, adding features and functionalities to your blog becomes a breeze.

More so, this theme is responsive and mobile-friendly.

With increasing mobile users, your blog will look gorgeous on all devices.

In short, GeneratePress gives you that perfect blend of form and function – a beautiful and efficient blog to captivate your audience.

The free version of GeneratePress is good enough when starting, but at some point, you may want to invest in the premium version at $59.

Moving on, the next step involves creating content that resonates with your audience.

Perform Keyword Research

Step five takes you into the heart of your blog, the content.

But, how do you ensure your carefully crafted posts reach your audience? Enter keywords. Let’s discuss why keyword research is pivotal and a few tools to make the task easier.

Keywords are the magic words that connect your blog posts to your readers.

They’re what your audience uses to search for content.

Hence, understanding which keywords your audience uses allows you to create content they’re seeking.

One way to uncover these keywords is to use research tools like:

Ahrefs gives you an in-depth analysis of keywords. You see how many people search for a keyword and how tough it might be to rank for it.

Lowfruits, on the other hand, focuses on less competitive keywords. These less explored keywords can also lead many potential readers to your blog.

AnswerSocrates helps you understand question-based queries. You know, the “how-to” or “why does” searches. By answering these, you provide value to your readers and improve your blog’s visibility.

In sum, keyword research equips you to create content your audience wants to read and enables you to reach them efficiently.

But keyword research is only half the journey.

Let’s move on and learn about creating your content in the next step!

Start Creating The Best Running Content You Can

Feeling all set with finding keywords? Let’s switch to the creative part, drafting your first posts.

Understandably, you may be wondering what type of content to create for a running blog.

Stay with me, as I outline some ideas for you below.

Training Guides

You can provide guides on various running techniques, for beginners to advanced runners. Share tips on endurance building, speed running, or even running in different weather conditions.

Gear Reviews

With a multitude of running gear available, a detailed review from a trusted source is invaluable. You could review shoes, clothing, smartwatches, and even hydrating water bottles.

Personal Narratives

Share your own running journey, your ups and downs, your personal records, and your future goals. This can create an authentic connection with your readers.

Diet and Nutrition Tips

Provide tips on what to eat before a run, what helps in recovery, and how nutrition impacts performance. Remember, running is about the entire lifestyle, not just the distance covered.


Try featuring chats with professional runners, coaches, or other running bloggers. This can provide your readers with new perspectives.

Remember, the best content delivers value to its readers. Aim to inspire, enlighten, and engage, and your readers will keep coming back for more.

With your content ideas ready, let’s move on to the next step – monetizing your blog.

Monetize Your Content

You’ve crafted captivating content, now it’s time to turn your passion into profit.

Let’s explore three monetization methods:

Affiliate Marketing: Promote running gear and services through affiliate links. When a reader makes a purchase using your link, you receive a commission at no extra cost to them. Win-win!

Display Ads: As your readership grows, display ads become lucrative. Google AdSense is an easy option to integrate ads that match your content. Every click earns you revenue.

Digital Products: Leverage your expertise to create an eBook, course, checklist or planner related to running. Self-host on your blog or sell through external marketplaces. The profit margin is higher than other options.

Remember, monetization is a process, not overnight success. Focus on providing value, engage with your readers, and the money will follow in time.

With this, we come to the end of our seven steps.

I hope you now feel better equipped to start your running blog journey.

Keep reading and I’ll show you where to get started for free.

Monetizing your running content

Successful Running Blog Examples

Analyzing successful running blogs can provide inspiration and valuable insights.

Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Run to the Finish – Amanda Brooks uses her running blog to share effective training and nutrition tips. She manages the combination of personal narratives and professional advice beautifully.
  2. Lazy Girl Running – Laura Fountain’s blog is informative and humorous. She even effectively monetizes her blog through her running coach services, proving that digital products can indeed be lucrative.
  3. Running with Attitude – Michelle’s blog has she successfully appeals to runners of all levels and interests. Her diverse content strategy includes event reviews, training plans, gear evaluation and more.
  4. Ali on the Run – Ali Feller has created a strong and engaging brand around her running journey. She also hosts a successful podcast, adding another layer of communication with her audience.

What is noticeable in these blogs is their ability to connect with the audience.

They offer useful tips, share personal stories, maintain a consistent voice, and effectively engage their readers.

If you can mirror these characteristics in your blog, success is more than likely on the horizon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is starting a running blog hard?

Starting a blog requires some effort, but it’s not hard. There are many tools and resources available these days to make the whole process streamlined.

How do I attract readers to my blog?

Use SEO principles and keyword research tools like ahrefs, Lowfruits, and AnswerSocrates to ensure your content aligns with what your potential readers are searching for. Also, share your posts through social media channels to reach a wider audience.

Can I make money off my running blog?

Absolutely! You can earn money through affiliate marketing, display ads, selling digital products, and many more.

What should my blog content include?

You can share training guides, gear reviews, personal narratives, diet and nutrition tips, and even conduct interviews with professionals in the field.

Where can I get help with my blogging journey?

Joining a blogging community like Wealthy Affiliate can provide you with useful resources and a supportive network to make your blogging journey easier and more successful.

Start Your Own Running Blog Today

Starting your own running blog is an exciting journey.

Not only can you share your knowledge and experience, inspire others in their fitness journeys, but also establish a profitable online presence.

With your running blog, you open the door to sharing training tips, gear reviews, nutritional advice, and personal narratives. It is an excellent avenue to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who can learn from your endeavors.

Remember, consistency is the key. Regularly curate high-quality content, engage with your audience, and over time, you’ll see your blog growing not only in readership but also in revenue generation.

Ready to get started for free? Join Wealthy Affiliate today.

It comes with step-by-step training, website hosting, SEO tools, and a community of like-minded bloggers to help you build, manage, and scale your running blog.

So, why wait? Let’s start turning your passion into profit today!

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What's up! I started my first affiliate website in 2018 promoting PC peripherals and since then I've been hooked on making money online with affiliate marketing.

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